Firefly website development Wellington, Porirua and Tawa
For a free quote, call 04 232 1000 now
or to fill in our contact form, click here.

Does your website need an update?

If you search for your business in Google and you don't come up, or if your site doesn't work on mobile phones, or if you can't easily update your website yourself, or if it just looks old and tired, you need to contact us for a makeover for your website.

Our Firefly websites are mobile responsive (so they work on phones, tablets and whatever size computer screen visitors to your site has).

Our sites are search engine friendly, so you should come up on page one of Google.

Our sites are easy to manage, so you can update content yourself, with just a few clicks on a mouse.

And our sites look great too!

Does your website need an update?

If you search for your business in Google and you don't come up, or if your site doesn't work on mobile phones, or if you can't easily update your website yourself, or if it just looks old and tired, you need to contact us for a makeover for your website.

Our Firefly websites are mobile responsive (so they work on phones, tablets and whatever size computer screen visitors to your site has).

Our sites are search engine friendly, so you should come up on page one of Google.

Our sites are easy to manage, so you can update content yourself, with just a few clicks on a mouse.

And our sites look great too!

Easy Peasy

You don't need to be a computer whiz to manage your Firefly website... we'll do all the whizzing for you.

We will set up the site, upload some content, including images and products, and then hand it over to you if you need to make updates. If there's anything complicated you need done to your website, like adding a new module or setting up a newsletter template, we can do that for you. But you will also have full access to the content management system to manage the site yourself.

It's up to you how much you do you on your site - you can be a total DIY person, or you can pass the reigns back to us. If you want to be your own webmaster, there is a full set of help pages - and we provide training when we set the site up.

What could be simpler?

Easy Peasy

You don't need to be a computer whiz to manage your Firefly website... we'll do all the whizzing for you.

We will set up the site, upload some content, including images and products, and then hand it over to you if you need to make updates. If there's anything complicated you need done to your website, like adding a new module or setting up a newsletter template, we can do that for you. But you will also have full access to the content management system to manage the site yourself.

It's up to you how much you do you on your site - you can be a total DIY person, or you can pass the reigns back to us. If you want to be your own webmaster, there is a full set of help pages - and we provide training when we set the site up.

What could be simpler?

For a free quote, call 04 2321000 now
or to fill in our contact form, click here.

It's not often you find a something that you can genuinely rave about, but I have found myself doing this again and again with Steve and his team at Rainbow Creative. With much arm twisting and perseverance Steve convinced me to use his service to build my first website. My only regret and his only failing is that he did not convince me sooner.

The simplicity of his website building platform made it easy for a novice like myself to build an maintain a website without needing the knowledge and skills of a computer programmer. He taught me the basics of search engine optimization so my pages rank highly on Google and his team has been only a phone call away to answer any of my questions and fix any of my mistakes. Through my work I have now built a number of websites on different platforms. Rainbow Creative's is still my favorite and still the one I recommend. Everyday I receive emails and phone calls from companies selling websites, in Rainbow Creative I have found a team of people who not only build websites, but have genuinely made a meaningful difference in the way I advertise my business. For that I will be forever grateful.

Kevin Adams

Snowball Investments Ltd.

We're local

Firefly has been created right here in New Zealand. So if you run into a problem, you can hop on the phone and give us a call. You'll talk to a real person... not a machine!. 

We're not stupid

Yep, we're clever. (Our web developer has a PhD.) And we're creative, and innovative. We launched Firefly when "self managed websites" were virtually unheard of... before WordPress was started. We were ahead of the pack then, and we like to keep at the forefront of innovation.

We like coming up with good ideas. If you have a problem that you want us to solve, then we are ideas people you want to come and talk to.

We're friendly

 We're friendly. Search engine friendly. This means that our sites are optimised to come up in search results in Google. 

Let's be honest, if you have a website that comes up on page 23 when you search for yourself in Google, you may as well not have a website. You probably get a couple of emails a week  from spammers telling you they are experts in search engine optimisation, trying to get you to give them lots of money to get to number one in Google.  Actually, getting a good ranking isn't a great secret. You just need to have good content that contains all the keywords that people might be searching for, on an optimised website that works on mobile phones and tablets. We can help you set this up and get you a really good Google ranking.

We're responsive
New Zealand responsive website design that works on mobile phones and tablets.

Yes, yes, we're responsive to your needs and wishes. But our sites are also responsive... they work on phones, tablets, big screens and small screens. When you change the size of your browser window, the site changes with it. When you turn your phone horiozontally or vertically, the size of the pictures changes to match. Very smart.

We're getting better all the time

The Firefly content management system was launched in 2002, back when self-managed websites were a brand new idea. And for 13 years, firefly has been constantly growing and evolving as technology and the internet has developed.

In the olden days, when most people only had dial up modems, we had small images that were quick to download. Today, with super fast broadband and large screens, we can allow large images that fill the screen, and video.

When people started shopping online, we added a products module, with shopping cart and online payments.

When people started using mobile phones to go online, we added a mobile responsive module.

The internet is constantly evolving, and Firefly is evolving with it, so wherever the web goes in the coming years, Firefly will adapt and innovate to keep at the front of the pack

Firefly Websites

Firefly is an simple to use, content management system (CMS) which allows you to easily update your website by adding new stories, pictures and videos with a click of the button.

Firefly CMS is easy to use, with 3 great packages to suit any application.

Simple websites Wellington

Firefly Lite

This is a simplified, cut down version of our content management system. It has less features, but is the simplest to use. Comes with several pages (such as "Home", "About Us", "Gallery" and "Contact Us") with a contact form.

This is the perfect solution for a small business wanting a basic, no-frills website.


Content Management System Wellington


The flagship of the range, Firefly offers unlimited pages and many add-on modules, such as a products catalogue, shopping cart, galleries, booking system for seminars, newsletters and members only pages. This is the product for businesses wanting a larger site with all the bells and whistles.

Advanced CMS Wellington

Firefly Plus

Firefly Plus is the latest in the Firefly range of products and is primarily a graphic website with full screen images. This page you are currently looking at uses the Firefly Plus system. This is the ideal product for someone with great images of their products which they wish to promote in a modern looking website.

Simple websites Wellington

Firefly Lite

This is a simplified, cut down version of our content management system. It has less features, but is the simplest to use. Comes with several pages (such as "Home", "About Us", "Gallery" and "Contact Us") with a contact form.

This is the perfect solution for a small business wanting a basic, no-frills website.

Content Management System Wellington


The flagship of the range, Firefly offers unlimited pages and many add-on modules, such as a products catalogue, shopping cart, galleries, booking system for seminars, newsletters and members only pages. This is the product for businesses wanting a larger site with all the bells and whistles.

Advanced CMS Wellington

Firefly Plus

Firefly Plus is the latest in the Firefly range of products and is primarily a graphic website with full screen images. This page you are currently looking at uses the Firefly Plus system. This is the ideal product for someone with great images of their products which they wish to promote in a modern looking website.
Find out how you can get a website for Under $1000, please fill in the form below.

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Find out how you can get a website for Under $1000, please fill in the form below.

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Rainbow Creative
2 Wall Place
Tawa, Porirua

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